# Installation 🚀


Currently, Safari is causing infinite loop issues with the hot reload. To save on our API expenses, please use Google Chrome or run the backend locally. Alternatively, just visit our site at https://www.casafair.org/ if you're just browsing.

Follow this guide to install the development environment locally.

# macOS 🍎

You need npm which you can find guides to install here using Homebrew. Other than that, it's as simple as:

# Change directory to root Casafair folder:
$ cd casafair

# install dependencies: Run this on first run.
$ npm install

# Subsequently, to run on localhost:3000, run the below command:
$ npm run dev

# Windows

You need to download Node.js in your system here. After that, follow these steps:

# Change directory to root Casafair folder:
$ cd casafair

# install dependencies: Run this on first run.
$ npm install

# Subsequently, to run on localhost:3000, run the below command:
$ npm run dev

# Backend

To configure the backend for the first time, run install_dev.sh. This will install all necessary dependencies for the backend. Then, paste the code provided to you separately here:

parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ; pwd -P )


# add in services here and change the folder name and app name below to your services, using "user" service as a sample

cd "$parent_path"/services/v1/user
python3 user.py &

Then run run_dev.sh. When completed, stop all services by running stop_dev.sh.

Change the frontend to use local backend instead. In the frontend folder, go to casafair/plugins/api.js

// api.js
export const devBASE = "http://localhost";
export const prodBASE = "https://www.casafair.org/api/";

// export const BASE = prodBASE;    # comment this and change to devBASE to run your backend locally
export const BASE = devBASE;

export const USER = BASE == devBASE ? BASE + ":7001/user" : BASE + "user";
export const SHOP = BASE == devBASE ? BASE + ":7002/shop" : BASE + "shop";
export const ORDER = BASE == devBASE ? BASE + ":7003/order" : BASE + "order";