# How to include components

This is where components are stored. There are three folders:

  • items: This is used for modular items, such as cards, that you can reuse at every page
  • layouts: This is where you store modularised layouts, such as a Carousel of images, that you can reuse at every page
  • templates: Here, you can find sample templates for each page that you can copy paste to reuse in other pages. Do not import them into your pages.

# Importing and using

Consider the following file HeroGallery.vue where I want to use it in the home page:

    <section class="">
        <div class="hero">
            <div class="hero-body">
                <HeroGallery/>          // just call the file this way

# Parameters for components

Sometimes, you want to include parameters in the file, like for example, the StaticPageHeader. StaticPageHeaderis where we use to display the page header. For example, a header like below, where you can display a hero image and the page title:

Apple Support Page Hero

For this, we'll use StaticPageHeader.vue. Consider the following page template in FAQ/index.vue:

    <!-- import StaticPageHeader.vue -->
    <StaticPageHeader :title="pageName" :description="pageDescription"/>

and in the script tags of the same file:

    // ...
    data() {
        return {
            pageName: "FAQs",
            pageDescription: "Answering all frequently asked questions",

            // ...
    // ...

Here, I included the title and description to describe what this current page is. The rendered page will call the StaticPageHeader.vue from the components/layouts folder and display that component at the top of the page. So it will display something like below:

FAQ Example